The Got Vape Guide to Odor Reduction

Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action, there lies an equal and opposite reaction. Thus when we enjoy our favorite dry herbs or concentrates, we also produce an equally opposite force; pungent aromas or in layman’s terms, pure smelly dankness.
Legend says that the very same Isaac Newton also had the epiphany of gravitational theory when they were surprised by an apple falling from a tree.
Now we're not saying that Sir Newton turned that very same apple into a makeshift pipe for dry herbs and thought of this while enjoying a few puffs, but we’re also not not saying that’s what happened.
So in the spirit of science, this Got Vape Breakdown is going to examine the equal and opposite force that is our smoking / vaping odors, to give you a fool proof guide on how to reduce them!
Whether you are responding to neighbors, working to avoid any smell contamination, or are just interested in reducing your odor footprint while seshing - check out the rest of our tips below!
Why Do Dry Herbs and Concentrate Smell?
Dry herbs and processed concentrates will maintain the odors of the materials that they were originally harvested / derived from. This means that when you heat them / combust them, you are releasing all of the molecules hidden within them into the air around you.
This then produces the noticeable smells that we all know and enjoy. When you are outside, natural elements like the wind will move these molecules around faster and dilute them.
In a more contained environment such as inside your home or apartment, these odors can become trapped more easily and become more of a potential nuisance.
Is Vaping Less Smelly than Smoking?
Vaporizing heats your materials at a much lower temperature than if you were to heat them to combustion with a lighter or torch. This results in a less odorless vapor, compared to the smoke that is given off when you add fire into the equation.
Vapor is a much lighter and cooler substance than smoke, which is why its smells will clear much quicker than if you use a traditional fire. This can make indoor usage less intrusive and give you a way to enjoy your dry herbs while still being discreet for your own privacy.
For excellent dry herb vaporizing, we recommend you check out the Sutra Mini and the Wulf Mods LX Slim as both offer a great experience that provides the same smoking satisfaction but with much less smell produced!
How to Achieve Odorless Storage
Much like forest fires, the easiest way to reduce your materials odor is to not let it accumulate in the first place!
In order to achieve this we recommend using proper air tight storage devices that not only keep all of your smells contained, but also keep your materials fresher for longer.
This makes sure your dry herbs stay potent as long as possible and that you don’t have any annoying smells leaking out for no reason.
For dry herb materials, we have several options available right now at Got Vape.
First up, the Tightpac Tightvac TG1 Glass Air Tight Container. Much like the name claims, these jars are completely airtight and can store up to 10gs of your dry materials. Tightpac is a company solely dedicated to proper storage, so you can trust these experts to keep your odors contained.
From our own GV Glass Distro, we have the excellent Air Tight Magnifying Jar! These are great because they not only offer complete odor protection, but also come with a built in LED light and magnifying glass to make sure you can always see your dry herbs in all their glory.
For a slightly more artistic take on smell proofing your herbs, consider the awesome options from Elbo Glass with the Whatever Forever Glass Storage Jar and the Elbo Glass Storage Jar.
Also available for odor storage are the extremely cost effective offerings from Smelly Proof, a company that makes custom plastic bags made to contain 100% of your dry material smells. Take a look at their collection of bags to see which size is perfect for you, a couple popular options are the Medium 6.5” x 7” Bag and the Extra Large 12” x 16” Bag.
Should concentrates be more your style, then we also have an awesome selection of 7 different Empire Glassworks Terp Jars with gorgeous borosilicate / pyrex designs like Under the Sea and Donut!
How to Reduce Burnt / Vaped Odors
Now onto the hard part, what to do when you are having a session and vapor / smoke is being produced that's incredibly smelly?
Well lucky for us there are a couple of options available that will work to mitigate if not eliminate your issues entirely. For the best results, combine a couple of these and discover your own fool proof method to a smell free session.
For a tried and true method, we are going to spread the gospel of opening a window and positioning a fan to direct your clouds right out of your home before they have a chance to settle down.
This is one of the best ways to reduce the build up of smells and one that we recommend even if you don’t care about odor, as it's a good way to get air flowing into the room unless of course you are going for a hot box…
An invaluable accessory to check out is the Stoke FLTR Smoke Odor Eliminator! These awesome devices can be used with either smoke or vapor, and act as a fancy version of the more DIY odor protection devices people have had to resort to.
All you have to do is inhale your hit and then blow it directly into the Stokes FLTR to get most if not all of the smell contained. These trap the smoke and filter it, so that the air released is cleansed of the more odorous molecules that would normally be blown out.
As a tip make sure the seal between your mouth and the Stoke FLTR is as tight as possible to ensure as much smoke as possible is filtered.
Keep your Stokes FLTR ready to go by also picking up the Replacement Filter 3PK and make sure that you're always ready to go with extra air filters on deck.
Smell vs Smell: Candles and Air Sprays
When most people think about session odors, they just assume they can dump a bottle of air spray into the room and everything is going to be A-OK. But unfortunately, that’s not the case.
Air sprays will only mix with the vapor / smoke and create an even louder odor for those around you. Additionally, many sprays have toxic chemicals in them, especially the ones that are sold specifically for smoke.
You don’t want the chemicals in those sprays anywhere near your lungs, so make sure to not use sprays when you are going to be staying in the same room right after.
As an alternative to air sprays, we recommend using candles as they are able to more naturally blend with the odors and work much better to mask smells.
For one step further you can even get specifically scented candles that are designed to subdue other smoky smells, these candles can be incredibly useful but like with all open flames it requires an extra level of care. Always make sure your candle is completely out after a session and that while it's burning you have it placed in a safe location, away from anything that it could spread to.

The Not So Odorous Outro
Now that you have a couple of ideas and know some pickups you can get right here at Got Vape to make your sessions as odor free as possible, it's time to choose which ones are right for you!
No matter if you just need a nice air tight container or need to go whole hog with a Stokes FLTR, there’s a ton of easy ways that you can reduce your smell footprint without having to go crazy.
For more tips, thoughts, and spotlights from the team, make sure to check out the rest of our postings right here at the official Got Vape Vaporizer Blog!