Got Vape Investigates: Mushroom Powered Robots

Sep 9, 2024
Got Vape Investigates: Mushroom Powered Robots

Mushrooms. They taste good on burgers, can make concerts a near religious experience, and now… can control high tech robots? Saaaaay what now?

No you are not dreaming, but these scientists are clearing cooking because we just found out about some new developments in the wide world of fungi that we had to share with you all!

Keep reading to learn more from Got Vape about how some mushrooms aren’t just magic, they are ready to run the world! Well maybe not quite yet, but they are able to act as a key part in biohybrid robotics!

What Exactly Is A Mushroom Robot?

Before we go any further, let's answer the question on everyone's mind. What exactly are y’all smoking over at Got Vape that makes you believing in mushroom robots?

Well believe it or not, according to a recent news report, researchers at Cornell University were able to use king oyster mushrooms to pass along electric signals to some very interesting looking robotic creations.

Thus when you hear the term mushroom robot, think less about an Iron Giant blasting Cream’s “In The White Room”, and more along the lines of a battle-bot with a funny petri dish hat.

King Oyster Mushrooms on white surface

What Type Of Mushrooms Are These?

So what exactly are these mushrooms? It turns out that king oyster mushrooms are often used in recipes once cooked and are a popular mushroom recipe used among vegan cooks to provide a vegan alternative to oysters!

As this was strictly for research, the scientists at Cornell selected the king oyster mushrooms because “it grows easily and quickly” making them the ideal fungus to utilize in their experiments.

Unlike the delicious shiitake mushroom or poisonous mushrooms like the death cap, these shrooms are slightly less well known in popular culture but incredibly important for the study.

How Do Mushrooms Work With Electronics?

This is where things go from heady to rooty, because the way that these mushrooms interact with the robots is by utilizing their incredibly small mycelium.

Mycelium are the tiny root-esque structures that effectively form tiny networks within the mushroom that according to the article “sense, communicate and transport nutrients – functioning a little like neurons in a brain”.

The Mycelium themselves function off of producing small electric signals, hence the brain comparison, and the scientists were able to hook these impulses up to electrodes on an equally minuscule level as the organic material.

Thus the team was able to command the robot using this hybrid mushroom and electronic system to make them move around and even react to different UV lights by playing on the mycelium’s natural sensitivity.

Mushroom attached to a robot body on white surface

But… Why Mushroom Robots?

Essentially by harnessing the mushrooms' natural systems they can make machinery that monitors our biological environment much more accurately for our benefit.

They give examples of knowing exactly when and how to treat soil for certain nutrients of one of the benefits. This could be revolutionary for farmers to make even better hemp products or ironically enough, more magic mushrooms!

Other uses point to the future benefits that come from developing this technology, once we can pass electricity through fungus they have spoken about using it to control bugs! While disgusting, they think it could help search for people after natural disasters, so whatever it takes to help people!

Do Mushrooms… Control Your Brain When You Eat Them?

No! We don’t want you to get the wrong idea, these mushrooms are only able to control these machines in specific lab environments… for now! But seriously when you take legal mushroom products from a trusted source (Got Vape) you are absolutely A-OKAY and in for a good time!

Troomy Nootropics Gummies with colorful retro background

What Mushrooms Does Got Vape Have?

Now that we’ve cleared that worry up, we would like to point your attention to the amazing selection of mushroom options we have available right now on Got Vape!

These days you hear about everything from mushroom coffee all the way to mushroom pasta, which means that there is truly an innumerable amount of ways to enjoy these natural goodies.

Our first option follows in this edible theme and is the excellent Galaxy Treats Moon Shrooms 6000MG Gummies!!! These delicious bites of mushroom joy come with 8 pieces in each pack so that you have plenty to enjoy with friends!

Each of the 8 Galaxy Treats gummies have been given 750mg of some of the purest and most refined amanita muscaria extract. That makes each jar of these Galaxy Treats Moon Shrooms Gummies seriously potent and lets you increase your experience by simply taking more!

From the mushroom scientists over at Troomy, we have their Nootropics Gummies! These ultra stuffed mushroom gummies come in a variety of 5 experience dedicated options and are chock full of fun with 60 pieces per container.

These include boost, calm, daily, focus, and sleep. By using different blends of various all natural mushrooms Troomy was able to make some truly special treats, we recommend trying them all out to find your favorite!

Mushroom Out

With cutting edge discoveries being announced about mushrooms all the time, it's no secret that these fun fungi are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Make sure to check back here for more mushroom gummy updates and to find all the breaking news about them right here at our official Got Vape Blog! Until next time, get out there and embrace the power of mushrooms!